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equivant Employee Spotlight: Kelly Prettner, Customer Care Success Manager

A light blue background on the left with white text that reads "Employee Spotlight. Kelly Prettner Customer Success Manager". The equivant logo appears in the top left corner of the image. On the right side of the image is a headshot of Kelly Prettner.

Name: Kelly Prettner
Title: Customer Success Manager
equivant Tenure: 9 months
equivant Focus: ShowCase
Favorite Part of Supporting Customers: Helping customers achieve their goals!

Pets or Kids: A 17-year-old daughter (Jayden) and two fur babies (cats Cleo and Tavi)
Hobbies: All things volleyball (especially watching Jayden or the Minnesota Gophers), jigsaw puzzles, and reading
Dream Vacation: The best vacations usually include a beach and a good book!
Fun Fact: I am admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court
Favorite Candy: Gummies (Life Savers or Skittles– it’s a toss-up which is better!)
Favorite Meal Growing Up: Spaghetti and meatballs!!! (Bonus: pictured enjoying my favorite meal!)

Are you interested in discovering a little more about the people behind the company? Check out our entire equivant Employee Spotlight Series.