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equivant Employee Spotlight: Mandy Clements, Implementation Manager

Image of Mandy Clements, equivant Implementation Manager

Name: Mandy Clements

Title: Implementation Manager

equivant Tenure: Six years

equivant Focus: Professional Services


How long have you been with equivant?
Six years

What is your new job title/role at equivant?
Implementation Manager

What do you most like about working at equivant?
It might sound cliché, but it’s truly the people that stand out. After working closely with several employees, I knew I wanted to join the equivant team. There’s a strong mindset here that, while we work hard, our family and personal health are also important. I’ve lost count of how often coworkers have gone out of their way to support one another.

Where is your favorite place to travel/vacation?
I was lucky enough to spend a week traveling from Nevada to Arizona, exploring parks along the way. We walked where the dinosaurs roamed, led by a Navajo guide who shared stories of her life as a daughter of a medicine woman. This trip set off the adventurer inside me and I’m excited to visit more national parks.

What is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Fourth of July all hold special memories for me and have elements that make them each uniquely special.

For Christmas, we cut down our own tree. There’s something magical about being out in the snow, cutting down your own tree and hauling it back home.

For Thanksgiving, I get to cook, and I try to make something for each person in attendance that is special to them.

For the Fourth of July, we started hosting a get-together (some years bigger than others), and we set off fireworks every year.

What does a typical weekend look like for you?
On the weekends, you can find me outdoors fishing, kayaking, floating on the boat, riding the quads, shooting, hiking, or just relaxing by the fire and watching a movie outside. During football season, you will find us in the stands at the Bengals games. Who Dey!

If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Clarice M. Starling, because “Nothing makes us more vulnerable than loneliness except greed.”

What is your favorite snack food?
Texas sheet cake is my go-to if I’m baking. For a quick snack, it would be chocolate-covered pretzels.


Are you interested in discovering a little more about the people behind the company? Check out our entire equivant Employee Spotlight Series.