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Modernizing Case Management in a Cloud-Based World

A circle with the Scales of Justice in the middle has different justice icons floating around it, including a document icon. From behind, a person in a suit jacket reaches out and touches the document icon. The equivant logo appears in the bottom right corner.

Cloud-based case management systems have been adopted more regularly in court systems over the past several years – a trend that is growing rapidly. Since the pandemic, the need for cloud-based applications has increased, and we’ve started to see courts moving away from traditional client-server systems. To support this technology shift we’ve introduced our flagship, cloud-based case management system (CMS), equivant JWorks 

As tolerance for outdated systems declines and the development of new technology accelerates, equivant is prepared to face the future of court technology head-on. JWorks is a fully configurable solution built for the modern court. Justice Agencies can automate all clerk and court operations without hardcoded features that obstruct business processes, freeing up time and allowing court officials to zero in on the most important tasks. JWorks was built to be configurable, mobile, and accessible while adapting to the evolving needs of court systems.  

The Future of Case Management is Cloud and App-Based with Integrated AI 

The judicial system is on the brink of a technological revolution. A new generation of technology-immersed staff and an increasing number of self-represented litigants (SRLs) engaged in consumer smart technologies are paving the way for the adoption of cloud and app-based enterprise solutions. Additionally, there are significant advancements being made in both cloud security and artificial intelligence (AI). All these factors combined lead us to believe that within the next five years, the tolerance for outdated and legacy systems will dramatically decline.  

While this shift will not happen overnight, now is the time to prepare your court for the future of case management and court technology. While it may seem intimidating at first, adopting cloud-based technology is easier than you think. Many courts are already looking for hosted solutions to help streamline workflows. Case management systems (CMSs) have come a long way, and cloud-based technology has introduced unprecedented accessibility, improved efficiency, and driven cost savings. 

Modernizing Your Court with equivant JWorks  

Our flagship cloud-based CMS, JWorks, offers courts a unique advantage as the system is completely configurable, so workflows and screens can be tailored to each individual user’s needs. Not only that, but it supports scalability and offers extensive integration options. 

A Configurable System Based on Your Processes and Workflows 

JWorks was built with cutting-edge technology that smoothly adapts to your processes, preferences, and local rules. All too often, you have to change your processes to fit the system, but the configurability of JWorks allows you to focus on optimizing your current processes rather than adopting new ones. You can manipulate the data based on what your individual needs are and tailor screens and workflows that support your day-to-day tasks. In 2023, JWorks was awarded “Case Management Innovation of the Year” for its system configurability and tailorable screens and workflows 

Additionally, JWorks features a powerful in-court orders process that significantly improves efficiency. Instead of a clerk manually inputting everything into the system after a session, everything can be done seamlessly during the court process.  

Scalability as Your Court Grows 

The unique design of JWorks allows each user to scale the application to meet their specific business needs and processes. Courts can turn certain system features off while also limiting access to datasets for certain people via role security. As the court grows, those features and access permissions can be adjusted as needed.  

Additionally, JWorks now has subscription pricing. If you’re a small court and don’t need everything the CMS offers, you can pick and choose what works for your court. Down the line, as your court grows and changes, you can revisit the features you didn’t originally need.  

Seamless Integration with Third Parties 

Due to the sheer amount of technology and software available today, integration capabilities are essential. JWorks comes with a full API library that makes integrating with third parties (like BMV/BCI/credit reporting, capital recovery systems, and eFiling) seamless if APIs can be exchanged.  

equivant provides solutions for every phase of the justice journey, but we know courts sometimes need to work with third parties and have built our system to support that. In addition to our API library, equivant also offers an IJIS Integration and Data Broker that allows users to share information securely, accurately, and efficiently with a universal adaptor for data systems.  

Online Community Portals to Foster Public Trust 

While JWorks offers significant benefits to courts, it also comes with community benefits. equivant’s eServices suite allows you to extend access to justice to court and community partners via online community portals in a highly configurable environment. The suite offers integrated applications including eAccess, ePayments, eFiling, eMarriage, and eScheudling. Providing community members and justice partners with 24/7 public access not only increases transparency and trust but also adds a level of convenience that is needed in today’s fast-paced world.  

Implementation Support and Customer Care to Ensure Success 

In addition to the justice solutions we offer, equivant prioritizes implementation support and customer care so that your court is successful. The implementation team helps preconfigure the application so that when you go live, your system is ready to go. Once live, the team is there to walk you through the process and make sure you’re comfortable with the application. Post-implementation, courts have access to our customer care team for any issues or challenges they run into.  

The entire process is designed with customer success in mind. Not all technology vendors offer the same amount of support. So, while it’s important to select a CMS that’s right for your court, it’s also important to select a vendor that offers a level of support that you’re most comfortable with.


Preparing Your Court for Future Success 

Now is the time to prepare your court for the future. It’s easy to get caught up in legacy systems because they are familiar and comfortable. But the advancements in technology come with huge benefits and can support your overall court efficiency. With JWorks, you simplify and optimize your processes, automate clerk and court operations, and easily manage cases and worfklows. Interested in learning more? Book a demo of JWorks.