Whether you are considering investing in a case management solution or you’ve already implemented one, we have content to assist your team. Not finding what you’re looking for?
All Workflows Are Not Created Equal
It’s not enough to simply have workflow functionality; your team needs a robust tool that’s specifically designed to move cases through their caseflow efficiently. How can you tell the difference?
Mental Illness in the Justice System… What’s Working?
Mental illness among justice-involved individuals continues to be top-of-mind for justice professionals across the country. Regardless of where your jurisdiction is in your journey toward prioritizing mental health care, there’s a lot to be learned from others.
How Are Your Judicial Officers Managing Their Cases?
Your judicial officers have unique case needs and demands on their time, and they need a flexible, configurable tool that is specifically tailored to their job.
Hey Michigan, Implementation Just Got Easier
…And that’s just the beginning. One of equivant’s latest innovations is state-level collaboration, where we’ve developed a baseline court case management solution that’s already customized to your state’s specific regulations, processes, practices, and needs.
Data & Data Sharing: Insights from the Top
We sat down with Becky Kelderhouse, General Manager – Court division of equivant, to talk about the impact of data and data sharing on the justice system.
Revolutionize Data Access with Secure, Configurable Portals
Every individual who interacts with your court cases has very specific information access needs. Learn more about the only solution on the market that gives you the flexibility to serve up information tailored to your stakeholders’ needs.
APIs 101: What They Are, and Why You Need Them
Data is coming and going through your agency at astounding rates and that data-sharing is an essential part of the justice process.
What SHOULD Virtual Courts Look Like?
If you could design your ideal virtual court, what would it include? Now that we’re well past the panic, it’s time to think about what’s the right way for courts to operate remotely.
Can (and Should) Triage be Automated?
Find out more about triage automation and how your court can get cases on the right pathway to resolution.
The Easy Way to Pay: Top 5 Strategies for Making Court Payments Accessible
The top 5 ways courts are bringing in more payments and building better community relationships in the process.
Go with the Flow… Caseflow vs. Workflow
When the case is flowing, the work is flowing… or is it? We hear caseflow and workflow used interchangeably in many courts, and the truth is, they’re distinct functions that both need to be moving along smoothly to serve your community.
What You Need to Know About Workflows
While caseflow is about the case progressing through its timeline in an equitable way, workflow is the behind-the-scenes mechanism that makes it all happen.