Solutions: Computerized Criminal History (CCH)

equivant Court’s Computerized Criminal History (CCH) and Offender Registry Solution provides a secure, central location for storing and viewing criminal history. Access the solution on its own or connect it with the offender registry your state mandates.

Who it impacts

  • Department of Public Safety

Connect with us about ensuring comprehensive and secure criminal records.

What it does

The CCH Solution:

  • Provides secure access to partners and public or private organizations
  • Integrates with AFIS systems and/or public safety switches
  • Provides a highly-reliable system requiring zero oversight for day-to-day processing
  • Reliably transforms messages to and from partner formats
A silver padlock with geometric engravings sits in the middle of a dark table with blue technological patterns.
A man appears in the background holding a phone in one hand and extending his pointer finger of the other hand so he is touching the screen. The man appears blurred. In the front of the image in focus are 9 document icons which are connected by lines. They all connect to one larger document icon, which is what the man is clicking with his extended pointer finger.

How it helps

Maintaining accurate, comprehensive, and secure criminal history records is a necessity for any justice system. Our standards-compliant CCH solution makes this possible while increasing court efficiency and helping ensure public safety.