The History of equivant: A Story of Growth and a Commitment to Simplify Justice

The business of running a court is complex. The hours are often long while resources run tight, and the case load and demand for services seem to continually increase. On top of that, being a public servant is often a thankless and exhausting job. Despite all the challenges, we know public servants still want to positively impact their communities. That’s where equivant comes in.

Pre-2017, the name equivant did not yet exist. On January 9th, 2017, CourtView Justice Solutions Inc., Constellation Justice Systems Inc., and Northpointe Inc. united as equivant under a single brand dedicated to helping justice agencies better serve communities. Prior to this rebranding, there was a fragmented representation of our business. The goal of rebranding was to present ourselves as the 360-degree justice solution supplier that we are while providing customer-centric solutions that make life easier for court professionals and the people they serve.

equivant’s Parent Company—Constellation Software

While equivant is an independent company that’s operated by a small group of people with extensive industry experience, we are part of a larger portfolio of companies. But what exactly does that mean? Our parent company, Constellation Software, Inc. (CSI), is a publicly traded company on the Toronto Stock Exchange with an average growth of 38% year-over-year, over $5 billion in gross revenue, and over $310 million in net income.

CSI has six major portfolios, its oldest being Volaris, in which the equivant portfolio resides. CSI holds each of its businesses forever. For investors, that means great returns. For employees, that means security along with earning and growth potential. For clients, that means the ongoing resources and support needed to ensure success.

The Story Behind equivant’s Brand

Presenting ourselves as a 360-degree justice solution supplier made sense. So why the name equivant?  The name is a combination of the Latin word ‘Aequitas’ and the English word ‘Vantage’. Aequitas in Latin means justice and equality, which represents our determination to help communities improve the administration and application of public safety and justice. The word Vantage means a position, condition, or place affording some advantage or a commanding view. For equivant, that means our vantage of technology that comes with dedication and experience.

The equivant court logo consisting of a grey "e" with a light blue equals sign directly above it

You’ll also notice an equal sign (=) above the “e” in our logo, which is a mathematical symbol used to indicate equality. This translates into justice, which is the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity.

In addition to our name and logo, Lady Justice has become an integral part of our branding. The blindfold she wears demonstrates the importance of justice being unbiased. The scales she holds represent the impartiality of the court’s decisions and the duty to restore balance to society. Her significance represents our passion for simplifying and advancing justice to ensure everyone has access to the system.

New and Improved Websites for Each equivant Audience

Although we rebranded under a single name, we recognize that being a 360-degree justice solution supplier means our clients have different needs based on their specific justice agency and the people they serve. To ensure we are supporting each client base, we revamped our website to support the rebrand and developed individual sites for each division of equivant. Our main site, equivant.com, now provides a big picture overview of the company as a whole, information about equivant acquisitions, and acts as a landing page with access to all other equivant sites. These sites include:

  • equivant-court.com – Simplify case management and improve access to justice.
  • equivant-supervision.com – Easily create case plans, make data-driven decisions, enhance positive outcomes, and effectively manage and assess individuals.
  • equivant-corrections.com – Optimize classification and custody management, enhance safety, and mitigate risk.
  • equivant-pretrial.com – Expedite release decisions, reduce FTAs, track key data points, and increase efficiency.

The goal of the new sites is for users to have a more positive user experience while being able to access information more efficiently. In addition to the sites listed above, equivant Admin Law, equivant Drug Testing, and equivant Drug Court will all have sites launched soon.

The Future of equivant

Technology is wildly evolving. As cloud security improves, more clients are shifting to cloud-based solutions. Additionally, AI has made a big splash over the last two years, especially, and the implications for the justice industry in terms of greater efficiency, access to justice, and security are huge. Although technology is evolving and our website and branding may change, our commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of the industry remains unwavering.

We will continue to leverage our industry expertise to deliver customer-centric solutions that are built for the modern court and support the technological innovations of the time. If you’re interested in learning more about what an equivant solution can do for your justice agency, contact us.