What You Need to Know About Workflows
While caseflow is about the case progressing through its timeline in an equitable way, workflow is the behind-the-scenes mechanism that makes it all happen.
Information that you can use right now.
While caseflow is about the case progressing through its timeline in an equitable way, workflow is the behind-the-scenes mechanism that makes it all happen.
As we think about moving forward, where we go from here, it’s easy to focus on those processes. Courts shifting services online has been an incredible leap forward in access to justice. Online dispute resolution is breaking down barriers. Available court technology is better than ever.
Try taking a step back and evaluating your EBP using the case formulation framework. Case formulation is bigger than case management – it’s about the way your agency and your partner agencies are navigating through a case, not just the way you’re managing it. And it might be the key to ensuring your EBP is working the way it should.
Using data to support decisions is critical at every single stage of justice, and we have to be able to rely on the quality of the data we’re using to make the best decisions possible.